How to add a new component1. Open an JIRA issueOpen a JIRA issue at, if does not already exist. 2. Check the license of all dependenciesYou have to check whether or not all required dependencies have an Apache compatible license. 3. Providing a patchIf you would like to contribute a new component as a patch (we love contributions), please refer to Contributing (look for 4. Add the new componentAdd the new component into the components pom modules section (note the alphabetical order of the project names). 5. Check the sources and resourcesThe source and resources have to follow some Apache/Camel coding rules:
6. Check whether all dependencies are available as OSGI bundlesIf a dependency is not available as an OSGI bundle, ask the Apache Servicemix guys for an OSGI-fied version of this dependency. You should do this by opening a JIRA issue at 7. Add a new featureAdd a new feature definition for this component to the feature file (under platforms/karaf/features). 8. Add the wiki pageEach component requires its own wiki page to document the component. If you don't have the karma to edit the wiki pages, plese refer to how do I edit the website. 9. Run a complete buildTo ensure you do not break the build, run a complete build from the new component directory: 10. Add the component to distributionAdd the new component to the following files
Build the kit by running the following maven goal from the Check the generated .zip file in the target folder contains the new component. |