The amqp: component supports the AMQP 1.0 protocol using the JMS Client API of the Qpid project. In case you want to use AMQP 0.9 (in particular RabbitMQ) you might also be interested in the Camel RabbitMQ component. Please keep in mind that prior to the Camel 2.17.0 AMQP component supported AMQP 0.9 and above, however since Camel 2.17.0 it supports only AMQP 1.0.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

URI format

AMQP Options

You can specify all of the various configuration options of the JMS component after the destination name.


As AMQP component is inherited from JMS component, the usage of the former is almost identical to the latter:

Using AMQP component

Configuring AMQP component

Starting from the Camel 2.16.1 you can also use the AMQPComponent#amqp10Component(String connectionURI) factory method to return the AMQP 1.0 component with the pre-configured topic prefix: 

Creating AMQP 1.0 component

Keep in mind that starting from the Camel 2.17 the AMQPComponent#amqp10Component(String connectionURI) factory method has been deprecated on the behalf of the AMQPComponent#amqpComponent(String connectionURI)

Creating AMQP 1.0 component

Starting from Camel 2.17, in order to automatically configure the AMQP component, you can also add an instance of org.apache.camel.component.amqp.AMQPConnectionDetails to the registry. For example for Spring Boot you just have to define bean:

AMQP connection details auto-configuration


You can also rely on the Camel properties to read the AMQP connection details. Factory method AMQPConnectionDetails.discoverAMQP() attempts to read Camel properties in a Kubernetes-like convention, just as demonstrated on the snippet below:


AMQP connection details auto-configuration

Configuring Connection Factory

Like with any other JMS-based component, usually it's important to configure JMS connection factory. For example, you'd like to set your broker url or set proper connection credentials. Additionally, you would always want to set some kind of pooling (or caching) on the connection factory. An example of how to do both of these tasks is shown below.

Using inside Karaf

If you want to use amqp component inside the Karaf, there's already defined feature that will install all necessary bundles for you. All you need to do is

and the environment would be set. Additionally you can add camel-blueprint or camel-spring features if you want to define your routes in those contexts.


See Also


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