Spring SupportApache Camel is designed to work nicely with the Spring Framework in a number of ways.
Using Spring to configure the CamelContextYou can configure a CamelContext inside any spring.xml using the CamelContextFactoryBean. This will automatically start the CamelContext along with any referenced Routes along any referenced Component and Endpoint instances.
Adding Camel SchemaFor Camel 1.x you need to use the following namespace: with the following schema location: You need to add Camel to the So the XML file looks like this: Using camel: namespaceOr you can refer to camel XSD in the XML declaration: ... so the declaration is: Advanced configuration using SpringSee more details at Advanced configuration of CamelContext using Spring Using Java CodeYou can use Java Code to define your RouteBuilder implementations. These can be defined as beans in spring and then referenced in your camel context e.g. Using <package>Camel also provides a powerful feature that allows for the automatic discovery and initialization of routes in given packages. This is configured by adding tags to the camel context in your spring context definition, specifying the packages to be recursively searched for RouteBuilder implementations. To use this feature in 1.X, requires a <package></package> tag specifying a comma separated list of packages that should be searched e.g. Use caution when specifying the package name as Will ignore already instantiated classes The <package> and <packageScan> will skip any classes which has already been created by Spring etc. So if you define a route builder as a spring bean tag then that class will be skipped. You can include those beans using Using <packageScan>In Camel 2.0 this has been extended to allow selective inclusion and exclusion of discovered route classes using Ant like path matching. In spring this is specified by adding a <packageScan/> tag. The tag must contain one or more 'package' elements (similar to 1.x), and optionally one or more 'includes' or 'excludes' elements specifying patterns to be applied to the fully qualified names of the discovered classes. e.g. Exclude patterns are applied before the include patterns. If no include or exclude patterns are defined then all the Route classes discovered in the packages will be returned. In the above example, camel will scan all the 'org.example.routes' package and any subpackages for RouteBuilder classes. Say the scan finds two RouteBuilders, one in org.example.routes called 'MyRoute" and another 'MyExcludedRoute' in a subpackage 'excluded'. The fully qualified names of each of the classes are extracted (org.example.routes.MyRoute, org.example.routes.excluded.MyExcludedRoute) and the include and exclude patterns are applied. The exclude pattern **.*Excluded* is going to match the fqcn 'org.example.routes.excluded.MyExcludedRoute' and veto camel from initializing it. Under the covers, this is using Spring's AntPatternMatcher implementation, which matches as follows For example: **.*Excluded* would match org.simple.Excluded, org.apache.camel.SomeExcludedRoute or org.example.RouteWhichIsExcluded **.??cluded* would match org.simple.IncludedRoute, org.simple.Excluded but not match org.simple.PrecludedRoute Using contextScanAvailable as of Camel 2.4 You can allow Camel to scan the container context, e.g. the Spring @Component and have those routes included by CamelYou can also use the ANT style for inclusion and exclusion, as mentioned above in the How do I import routes from other XML filesAvailable as of Camel 2.3 When defining routes in Camel using Xml Configuration you may want to define some routes in other XML files. For example you may have many routes and it may help to maintain the application if some of the routes are in separate XML files. You may also want to store common and reusable routes in other XML files, which you can simply import when needed. In Camel 2.3 it is now possible to define routes outside Notice: When you use <routeContext> then they are separated, and cannot reuse existing <onException>, <intercept>, <dataFormats> and similar cross cutting functionality defined in the <camelContext>. In other words the <routeContext> is currently isolated. This may change in Camel 3.x. For example we could have a file named myCoolRoutes.xml Then in your XML file which contains the CamelContext you can use Spring to import the Also notice that you can mix and match, having routes inside CamelContext and also externalized in RouteContext. You can have as many Reusable routes The routes defined in Test time exclusion.At test time it is often desirable to be able to selectively exclude matching routes from being initalized that are not applicable or useful to the test scenario. For instance you might a spring context file routes-context.xml and three Route builders RouteA, RouteB and RouteC in the 'org.example.routes' package. The packageScan definition would discover all three of these routes and initialize them. Say RouteC is not applicable to our test scenario and generates a lot of noise during test. It would be nice to be able to exclude this route from this specific test. The SpringTestSupport class has been modified to allow this. It provides two methods (excludedRoute and excludedRoutes) that may be overridden to exclude a single class or an array of classes. In order to hook into the camelContext initialization by spring to exclude the MyExcludedRouteBuilder.class we need to intercept the spring context creation. When overriding createApplicationContext to create the spring context, we call the getRouteExcludingApplicationContext() method to provide a special parent spring context that takes care of the exclusion. RouteC will now be excluded from initialization. Similarly, in another test that is testing only RouteC, we could exclude RouteB and RouteA by overriding Using Spring XMLYou can use Spring 2.0 XML configuration to specify your Xml Configuration for Routes such as in the following example. Configuring Components and EndpointsYou can configure your Component or Endpoint instances in your Spring XML as follows in this example. For more detail see Configuring Endpoints and Components. Spring Cache idempotent repositoryAvailable as of Camel 2.17.1
CamelContextAwareIf you want to be injected with the CamelContext in your POJO just implement the CamelContextAware interface; then when Spring creates your POJO the CamelContext will be injected into your POJO. Also see the Bean Integration for further injections. Integration TestingTo avoid a hung route when testing using Spring Transactions see the note about Spring Integration Testing under Transactional Client. See also |